About the Physical Security Village


Formerly known as the Lock Bypass Village, the Physical Security Village (PSV) is a security awareness initiative that makes appearances at security conferences and other educational functions. You can find some of the content we’ve created below.

What is the Physical Security Village?

The Physical Security Village (PSV) is a security awareness initiative that makes appearances at security conferences (like DEF CON) as well as other educational functions. The aim of the PSV is to raise awareness of easily preventable security faults that occur in any home or business through hands-on learning. This encourages individuals to check their premises and fix security issues in a way that deters would-be burglars and makes it harder for them to gain entry.

The PSV focuses on physical vulnerabilities, mostly resulting from incorrect installation and poor hardware choices. At conferences we tend to stear-clear of lock-picking, although we have covered this at other functions.

Who runs the Physical Security Village?

The PSV was started in 2018 with the name Lock Bypass Village by a group of security experts and researchers from Toronto, Canada. We have since expanded to include voluteers and team-members from around the world, meeting yearly at the DEF CON conference and some other conferences throughout the year.

How do I get involved?

Check out the Get Involved page to learn more!